Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Fri, 30 Jul 2021 20:59:29 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232A toast to KISU’s 2021 IB Diploma class for scoring 100% pass rate Fri, 30 Jul 2021 20:59:29 +0000 International School Uganda (KISU) family is in celebratory mood.

According to the statement released by the School Director, Terry Garbett on Friday, July 30, 2021, Kampala International School Uganda registered yet another year of outstanding International Baccalaureate Diploma examination results, scoring a 100% pass rate.

KISU’s best performing student obtained a score of 41 points while 37.5% of students got 35 points and more. On average the IB Class of 2021 scored 32 points, the statement stated.

“Congratulations to the IB Class 2021 on the achievements of their results…Massive congratulations to the class of #KISU2021,” said a statement posted on the School’s Twitter account.

All KISU students who sat their International Baccalaureate exams for 2021 passed the prestigious Bilingual Diploma.

KISU is a world-class education facility that offers an international education to students between 2 and 19 years of age.

The school’s current enrolment is 450, with students from over 50 nationalities. The school is built on a purpose-built 14-acre campus, with an installed capacity of 1,000 students.

The KISU curricula, combines the structure, rigour and transferability of the English National Curriculum, with the broad, holistic and constructive approach of the International Baccalaureate (IB).

To the IB Diploma, the school has also added some other innovative elements such as “Learning to Learn” and “LEGO Robotics” to create a curriculum that has depth and breadth and is both relevant and exciting to today’s children.

Inquiries about ongoing KISU admissions for 2021-2022. Visit

]]>H.E the President Speech on the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Uganda as of 30th July 2021 Fri, 30 Jul 2021 20:53:06 +0000 marks the 42nd day since I instituted the lockdown on 18th June 2021. The lockdown was guided by rapidly increasing daily cases, increasing positivity rate, high admission rates in hospitals for severe and critically ill patients and increasing number of deaths. Therefore, I had to intervene to protect the health system from getting overwhelmed by many cases and the population from massive deaths.

During the period of the lockdown, data generated by the Ministry of Health has shown;

  • A consistent reduction in daily confirmed cases from the peak of 1,735 to an average of a new low of 71
  • A consistent drop in positivity rate from the highest of 22% to an average of 8% to-date
  • A fall in the daily admissions of the severe and critically ill patients from 204 at the peak to less than 50 per day, to-date.
  • A reduction in daily deaths. However, the drop in the daily number of deaths remains slow due to late presentation to the hospitals.
  • I would like to appreciate the population for adhering to my directives during this lockdown which has resulted in the above mentioned achievements.

    As of 29th July 2021, the country had registered 93,927 cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19, 83,115 recoveries, and 2,690 deaths.

    Currently, there are 626 patients admitted in various hospitals. A total of 597 are in public health facilities and 29 in private health facilities.

    Of all the confirmed cases, 53,000 representing 56%, have happened in this second wave from the month of April, 2021 to date.

    The previous and current lockdown are part of preventive health interventions to contain the outbreak in order to protect lives and reduce deaths.

    This is in addition to the Government strategy of mass vaccination.

    Government is using a multi- pronged approach to secure adequate vaccines for the target population of 22 million, 18 years and above. Scientists have informed me that children above 12-18 years can also be vaccinated using the Pfizer vaccine. I have directed the Ministry of Health to include this age group in their estimates and plan holistically.

    The following options are being used to access vaccines from the global market:

  • Purchase of vaccines through the COVAX facility
  • Purchase of vaccines through the African Union
  • Purchase of vaccines from manufacturers
  • Donations through the COVAX Facility
  • An order of 2 million doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccines has been made with the African Union and a down payment of USD 3 million effected. Delivery will begin in August 2021.

    I have been informed that tonight, 30th July 2021, we are receiving donations of 286,080 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from Norway and 300,000 doses of the Sinovac Vaccine from China. I would like to thank both the Government of Norway and People’s Republic of China for prioritizing the lives of Ugandans.

    In addition, in September 2021, we are expecting 647,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine from USA, 688,000 of the AstraZeneca vaccine from the COVAX Facility and 299,000 doses from the United Kingdom. This gives a total of 1,634,000 doses of vaccines which will cater for 817,000 people. Although these are donations, I have directed the Ministry of Health and Finance to urgently secure vaccines for Ugandans.

    Due to the hoarding of vaccines by the international countries, Uganda is embarking on its own vaccine manufacturing capacity. To-date, 3 candidate vaccines are at different stages of trial. Whereas this may take us some time, this is an effort in the right direction. This is an endeavor that the country will pursue to disentangle itself from dependency.

    As of today, a total of 1,139,260 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered to the population countrywide; 902,293 people have received the 1st dose while 233,950 have received the 2nd dose.

    During this second wave, I was informed of the challenges faced by the COVID-19 Treatment facilities due to inadequate medical oxygen.

    Government is enhancing the existing oxygen production and supply at the National and Regional Referral Hospitals in Uganda to cater for both the COVID-19 cases and other Essential Medical services.

    The procurement of Gaseous Oxygen Plants (Pressure Swing Adsorption) is ongoing and these will be installed in all the 15 Regional Referral Hospitals and Bombo Military Hospital. In addition, a similar oxygen plant with a bigger capacity will be installed at Mulago Hospital. Furthermore, three (3) cryogenic (Liquid oxygen) Plants will be procured and installed strategically in 3 regions of the country to complement the Gaseous Oxygen production. The Ministry of Finance has already provided funding for this. This will solve the current oxygen crisis.

    Relief for the Most Vulnerable Population in Cities and Municipalities

    On 18th June 2021 when I instituted the lockdown, I directed the Prime Minister and the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development to define and identify persons who depend on daily income in cities and municipalities who were affected by the lockdown; assess their needs during the lockdown period; and suggest interventions to take care of their needs.

    From our experience with food distribution in the lockdown of 2020, Cabinet decided that each of the selected 501,107 vulnerable persons in Kampala, the 10 Cities, and 31 Municipalities should be given UGX 100,000/= (One hundred thousand shillings) so that they can buy food of their choice.

    The category of people identified included the following:

    S/N Category  1. Bus/taxi drivers, conductors  2. Baggage carriers, wheelbarrow pushers, touts, traffic guides and loaders in taxi, bus parks and stages, and other major commercial centers such as Kikuubo  3. Barmen, DJs, barmaids, waiters and bouncers  4. Bar, gym and restaurant workers  5. Food vendors in bus, taxi parks and arcades  6. Artists (musicians, comedians etc.)  7. Boda boda riders, special hire drivers and uber drivers  8. Salons, massage parlor workers  9. Teachers and support staff in private schools and teachers in government schools not on the government payroll  10. Car washers  11. Slum-dwellers/ghetto residents  12. Street and food vendors, shoe shiners and cobblers

    The beneficiaries were selected from administrative records held by the urban authorities and town clerks.

    I have been informed that as of Friday, 30th  July 2021, 500,945 beneficiaries out of the target of 501,107 (99.97 percent) had been uploaded on the online registration system.

    A total of 462,387 (92.3%) beneficiaries had been verified and paid by Post Bank as of today. This totalled to UGX 47,429,346,525.

    The balance of 38,558 persons (7.7%) has been deferred for various reasons which are still under review by the town clerks before resubmission for payment.

    I am told that the online system which we have used to register beneficiaries and submit their detail to Post Bank for payment was designed by my bazukulu who are Information Technology Specialists at National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. I have further been informed that if private consultants had been procured, the development of this system would have cost the Government at least UGX 500 million. I therefore would like to thank these bazukulu for being patriotic and saving public funds.

    Local therapeutics

    Our own scientists are at working around the clock to find solutions to attack the corona virus. They are at different levels of development of treatment remedies using our own natural products.

    I am aware that several Ugandan teams have now discovered natural extracts that could have therapeutic benefits against COVID-19. I am thus working with many Ugandan scientists to ensure we follow the international standards and guidelines to avoid being labeled inferior and thereby sabotaged by the international players. The molecules referred to here act in a similar manner like all the drugs that have been recommended by the World Health Organization.

    For example, the one by Dr. Nambatya, known as UBV-01N has molecules that stop the body from excessive reaction and self-destruction.

    The one by Prof Patrick Ogwang of Mbarara University called COVIDEX; and Dr. Alice Lamwaka from Gulu University, Covilyce-1 have direct effects on the virus, as well as dampening ‘self-destruction’ effects of the virus (‘panic crisis’).

    Therefore, a few Ugandans and other international skeptics shouldn’t undermine our home-grown scientific efforts by telling lies about our efforts. Also, the scientists involved must follow the globally prescribed steps so that we don’t give our enemies the chance to shot down our products.

    Last and more importantly, we must protect the intellectual property rights of the scientists involved. I have heard of arguments around ownership of the patents and trademarks, but this is a straightforward issue. These belong to the scientists who discovered them. If the institutions that employ these scientists want to benefit from their innovations, they should levy a sort of tax, what the technology transfer experts refer to as sharing of royalties. Even then, much of the proceeds should go to the inventor so that we encourage our scientists to discover more.

    Community Engagement

    The Ministries of Health and Local Government developed a Community Engagement Strategy, community surveillance and homebased care guidelines and disseminated these to all districts and reoriented all the district local governments.

    During the lockdown, I am informed that the following were undertaken;

  • The District Task Forces (DTF) were oriented to coordinate and supervise Home Based Care
  • The VHTs /Community Health Workers were trained on community-based disease surveillance and home based care
  • The District Task Forces assigned one District Home Based Care coordinator and one Village Health Team member to provide feedback and updates on community engagement interventions through the established structures from parish level to the district.
  • A mechanism for collecting information on positive cases under Home Based Care from the communities through the health facilities was established and is functional
  • Funding has been provided to the Local Governments to facilitate this procedure
  • I now direct the Ministry of Local Government to strengthen the Community Engagement Strategy as a means of mitigating the effects of the pandemic at community level.

    Government Financing towards the COVID-19 response

    Government response is guided by two costed plans; COVID-19 Response Plan (March 2020 â€" June 2021) and the Resurgence Plan (July 2021 â€" June 2022). This has guided budgetary allocation for; public sensitization, provision of free care and treatment in all Government treatment facilities, ambulance services in all regions of Uganda, enhancement of bed capacity, set up non-traditional treatment facilities (Namboole), procurement of vaccines and oxygen plants, relief support for the most vulnerable population and support to community interventions in Local Governments.

    Review of the Lockdown measures

    You will recall that when I instituted the 42 days lockdown, I said that I will review the restrictions if the situation improves as indicated above.

    Following the 42-day lockdown, the National Task Force considered the following parameters to revisit the restrictions:

  • The current level of COVID-19 transmission as shown by the drop in cases, positivity rate and hospital admissions
  • Adherence to SOPs by the population
  • Economic considerations for the country, and the wanainchi
  • Current coverage of vaccination
  • Prolonged effects of the pandemic (17 months) on the wanainchi
  • In addition to the above, the National Planning Authority (NPA) has made projections on the potential effects of the different interventions and the likely outcomes. Their model analyzes a number of factors including; COVID-19 cases, Human Development Index, Geographical factors, population density, age structure and weather among others, to give projections of the COVID-19 new case trends.

    They looked at 3 options to analyze how the current cases that average 300 per day might increase or decrease based on either; full opening up (zero lockdown), no opening-up (Full Lockdown), or Partial opening-up.

    The result of their modelling is as below:

  • Fully Opening-up (zero lockdown measures)
  • Within 28 days, new cases will average about 500 per day with a weekly average of around 2,000. This measure will take the country directly into the 3rd wave.

  • No Opening-up (continue with full lockdown)
  • With this option, the country will have 30 new daily infections and a weekly average of 246 new cases in the coming 28 days. This measure has strong and positive health benefits as the cases will reduce drastically but it has negative economic consequences that will impact the economic and social well-being of the people.

  • Partial Opening-up (allow economic sectors to operate)
  • This model projects an increased number of cases in the first week to an average of 309 new cases per day and eventually coming down to 85 new cases by the third week. The initial increase of cases is due to the increased movement of people in the opening week. Everyone will be coming out after the 42 days of closure and this may spike the infection rates.

    Cases are projected to further reduce to about 66 new cases per day by 28 days after partially easing the lockdown, based on this model. It is therefore important to ensure that there is strict observance of SoPs within the partial lockdown period so as to curb the spread of the virus.

    The graph below shows the different 3 scenarios for opening up the country

    Figure 1: Options for opening up (model run on 26th July 2021)

    Based on the scientists advise and NPA projections, I now revise my directives as follows:

    S/N THE ISSUE DIRECTIVE 1. Curfew time was set at 1900Hrs to 0530 Hrs. ·       Curfew time is maintained at 1900Hrs to 0530 Hrs. All persons except security personnel on duty and those authorized to move should be in their homes.

    ·       This is intended to avoid breaching of guidelines, SOPs and thuggery under the cover of darkness.

    2. Boda-Bodas movement was restricted to 1700hrs and only allowed to carry cargo ·        Boda-Bodas are now allowed to move up to 1800hrs. Beyond 1800hrs, no Boda-Bodas should be on the road.

    ·       They are now allowed to carry one passenger at a time or cargo.

    ·       They should strictly maintain SOPs. Wearing a mask is a MUST for both the rider and passenger.

    ·       The Boda-Boda Associations are directed to regulate themselves.

    ·       Failure to comply, this directive will be reversed to the earlier position.

    3. Kikuubo was closed Kikuubo should open under the following conditions:

    ·       All kiosks within corridors of buildings should be removed for purposes of decongesting pathways.

    ·       Roadside vending within Kikuubo is banned. These will be relocated to alternative venues where vending is permitted by KCCA.

    ·       Kikuubo should remain a wholesale trading centre.

    ·       The Ministers for Kampala, RCC, KCCA and enforcement agencies to ensure compliance.

    ·       Manufacturers, wholesalers and traders should open outlets in the various towns and business centres in the outskirts of the Central Business District.

    ·       Traders should adapt to e-commerce.

    4. Malls, arcades and other business centers were closed ·       These can open and must strictly follow these guidelines:

    â€"        Compliance to all SOPs

    â€"        Presence of compliance officers is a MUST.

    â€"        Corridors and access ways have to be clear

    â€"        Adequate lighting and ventilation.

    â€"        Dedicated entry and exit

    â€"        Install CCTV cameras where they are absent

    â€"        Proper hygiene and sanitation facilities

    â€"        Registration of shop owners and attendants is a MUST.

    Only those arcades that conform to the above guidelines will be allowed to open.

    In addition, failure to conform to any of the above will lead to closure.

    5. Burials were restricted to a maximum of 20 people. ·       This should be maintained until the population is sufficiently vaccinated. 6. Weddings were restricted to a maximum of 20 people. ·       This should be maintained until the population is sufficiently vaccinated. 7. Places of worship were closed. ·       This should be maintained as closed and will be reviewed after another 60 days.

    ·       Alternative means of worship i.e. online, radio and TVs are instead encouraged.

    ·       A maximum of 10 leaders are allowed to lead the virtual prayers.

    8. Outdoor sports events were allowed with restrictions ·       The International and local accredited sports events are allowed under strict observance of SOPs (no spectators, mandatory testing of players and officials within 72 hours of the event).

    ·       Outdoor individual sport activities are allowed under strict observance of SOPs.

    ·       Indoor sports activities including gyms, pool tables remain closed.

    ·       Gaming and betting remain closed

    ·       Casinos, theaters and Cinemas including Bibanda remain closed.

    ·        Performing artistes, concerts and comedians are advised to perform virtually.

    These measures shall be reviewed after 42 days.

    9. Bars were closed ·       Bars remain closed and the enforcement agencies are directed to arrest and charge both revellers and owners who breach this directive. 10. Restaurants were allowed to operate under strict observance of SOPs ·       These should remain open under strict observance of SOPs. 11. Salons were allowed to operate under strict observance of SOPs ·       These should be opened under strict observance of SOPs and guidelines. 12. Saunas and Steam bath were closed ·       These should remain closed. 13. All schools were closed ·       Schools will remain closed until sufficient vaccination of the eligible population and children aged 12-18 years old has taken place

    ·       The Ministry of Education and Sports/ National Council for Higher Education and Ministry of Health should meet and plan for the possibility of a safe reopening of medical schools.

    ·       Learning should continue virtually

    ·       Ministry of Education and Sports will provide learning materials to learners

    14. Reduction to 10% of Non-core staff in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and other formal sectors. i.e. lawyers, auditors etc ·       MDAs and other formal sectors may operate at a maximum of 30% in a rotational manner.

    ·       MDAs and other formal sectors must have compliance officers to enforce SOPs.

    15. Inter-District travel by private vehicles was banned but registered tourists’ vehicles were allowed to move ·       Private vehicles are now allowed to move across district borders carrying a maximum of 3 persons including the driver.

    ·       Registered tourists’ vehicles should continue to move to their destinations and designated places.

    ·       Enforcement agencies and the task forces at all levels to ensure compliance.

    ·       Ministry of Health should on a bi-weekly basis flag the high-risk districts for restrictive control actions.

    16. Movement in and out of the country through the airport was allowed. ·       Entebbe International Airport will remain open.

    ·       Ministry of Health, Immigration services, Port health and other Agencies of Government to ensure compliance to the existing guidelines such as testing, isolation etc.

    ·       UPDF medical services are directed to oversee the management of COVID-19 screening processes at Entebbe International Airport leading to secure entry and exit.

    ·       Online visa management systems be maintained.

    17. Movement of cargo trucks through the land border points of entry was allowed ·       Cargo trucks are still allowed to move in and out of the country with a maximum of two people (driver and turn man).

    ·       Drivers should possess a negative COVID-19 test result and be allowed to move.

    18. Public transport was banned ·       Public transport will open at strictly 50% capacity effective Monday, 2nd August 2021. This will be reviewed every after 2 weeks.

    ·       Taxi and bus owners’ associations must ensure adherence to this directive by their members as part of self-regulation by the appropriate associations.

    ·       There must be no air conditioning in all public transport

    ·       There must be strict adherence to the detailed SOPs and guidelines as laid out by Ministry of Works and Transport

    ·       The Public Transport Associations are directed to regulate themselves.

    ·       Failure to comply, this directive will be reversed to the earlier position.

    19. Food Markets were open ·       These should remain open but maintain strict observance of SOPs. 20. Seasonal markets were closed ·       These should remain closed. 21. Conferences, workshops and seminars were banned. ·       These remain banned except with explicit permission from the Ministry of Health and related MDAs.

    ·       Numbers will be restricted and testing will be carried out.

    22. The Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), working together with the Technical Intersectoral Committee (TISC) were directed to closely monitor the compliance and enforcement of these directives. ·       JIC and TISC are directed to continue coordinating, monitoring and enforcing compliance to these directives.

    ·       TISC to create regional and district operations rooms to oversee the enforcement of SOPs.


    The Ministry of Finance working with Bank of Uganda, will mobilize low cost credit for Micro,  Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).  Government will as a first step, immediately raise  UGX 100 Billion through further Budget Rationalization, and participating Financial Institutions will equally contribute  UGX 100 Billion. This brings total resources available for MSMEs to UGX 200 Billion. The Minister of Finance will prepare and announce details and guidelines for this support within two weeks from today.


    I would like to appreciate the following companies who have recently supported the COVID-19 response on top of those who I had earlier recognized during the first wave of the pandemic.

  • Nile Breweries Ltd: 300 oxygen cylinders worth Ushs330m
  • Absa Bank donated 160 oxygen cylinders and accessories
  • Ham Enterprises : UGX 530m for vaccines
  • Bidco: US$100,000
  • Manufacturers who were supporting our hospitals with medical oxygen namely; BM Steel Mbarara, Casements Africa (Oxygas), Mayuge Steels, NEC/UPDF, Roofings Ltd, Steel and Tube Industries, Tembo Steels (U) Ltd, Uganda Oxygen Ltd and Pramukh Steels Ltd.
  • Thank you.

    ]]>18 take away points from President Museveni’s Covid-19 address Fri, 30 Jul 2021 19:20:56 +0000 time is maintained at 7pm upto 5:30am. All persons except security personnel and those authorized to move should be in their homes.

    2. Boda bodas are now allowed to carry only 1 passeger at a time and curfew remains at 6pm for them. They must observe strict SOPs.

    3. Kikuubo to open under conditions, 1. All kiosks should be removed 2. Roadside vending is banned and relocated 3. Only wholesale trade is allowed. All agencies to ensure compliance.

    4. Manufacturers should open up centres upcountry. Traders must revert to ecommerce. Arcades must follow conditions â€" clear corridors, adequate ventilation, CCTV cameras, proper hygiene and registration of staff and traders.

    5. Arcades, malls and other business centres reopened but must adhere to SOPs. Burials and weddings still restricted to 20 people until more vaccination. Places of worship still closed for 60 days. Max of 10 religious leaders allowed to lead virtual prayers.

    6. Burials, weddings and other marriage ceremonies restricted to 20 people under strict observance of SOPs.

    7. Bars remain closed, Performing arts allowed only virtually. Stance to be reviewed after 42days, Salons to open but with SOPs observed.

    8. Schools remain closed until vaccination targets met. Learning should remain virtual.

    9. Shopping malls and arcades should be opened with dedicated entry and exit, SOPs should be maintained, and failure to comply will lead to closure.

    10. Places of worship to remain closed for 60 days.

    11. Sports should continue without spectators. Outdoor sports activities are allowed with masks on. Gyms remain closed. Betting and casinos remain closed.

    12. Comedians and musicians advised to perform virtually.

    13. Saunas should remain closed. If you want one, do it in your house.

    14. 20% of office workers should be allowed to work.

    15. Private vehicles are allowed to cross district borders with only three people.

    16. Movement in and out of Entebbe Airport will remain open.

    17. Cargo tracks allowed to move in and out of the country with turn boy and the driver with negative results.

    18. Buses and taxis to operate with 50 percent capacity effective Monday 2nd August.

    ]]>Museveni allows public, private cars to move as he eases lockdown Fri, 30 Jul 2021 19:08:11 +0000 Yoweri Museveni has allowed private vehicles to move across districts with a maximum of only three people following the expiration of the 42 days lockdown.

    The President has also lifted a ban on public transport saying that they must operate at 50 percent capacity effective Monday.

    “Public transport will open effective Monday at strictly 50 percent capacity effective Monday 2nd, August 2021 and this will be reviewed every after two weeks,”Museveni said while delivering his Covid-19 address on Friday.

    Museveni also allowed boda bodas, Kikuubo trading centre,malls and arcades to resume operations.

    He said boda bodas are now allowed to move up to 6pm and they are also allowed to carry strictly one passenger while following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

    “But please don’t share facemasks. Both the rider and passenger sbould strictly wear masks. If they fail, we shall be forced to revise the earlier directive,” Museveni said.

    “Curfew time is maintained at 7pm upto 5:30am. All persons except security personnel and those authorized to move should be in their homes. ”

    “Why we maintain the curfew?Without curfew there will be alot of socialization in the night. That may be a big problem.”

    The President also said Kikuubo trading centre, malls and arcades should reopen but under strict observance of SOPs.

    On the other hand, the President said schools, bars, places lof worship should remain closed.

    “Schools remain closed. Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health should meet. Learning should continue virtually.”

    ]]>Covid-19: Joy as Museveni allows boda bodas, Kikuubo, arcades to resume business Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:51:48 +0000 Yoweri Museveni has allowed boda bodas, Kikuubo trading centre,malls and arcades to resume operations following the expiration of the 42 days of lockdown.

    Addressing the nation on the progress of Covid-19 fight in the country on Friday, President Museveni said boda bodas are now allowed to move up to 6pm and they are also allowed to carry strictly one passenger while following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

    “But please don’t share masks. Both the rider and passenger sbould strictly wear masks. If they fail, we shall be forced to revise the earlier directive,” Museveni said.

    “Curfew time is maintained at 7pm upto 5:30am. All persons except security personnel and those authorized to move should be in their homes. ”

    “Why we maintain the curfew?Without curfew there will be alot of socialization in the night. That may be a big problem.”

    The President also said Kikuubo trading centre, malls and arcades should reopen but under strict observance of SOPs.

    Museveni also has allowed private vehicles to move  across districts with a maximum of only three people.

    “Public transport allowed to operate at 50 percent capacity effective Monday and this will be reviewed every after 2 weeks,”Museveni said.

    On the other hand, the President said schools, bars, places lof worship should remain closed.

    ” Schools remain closed. Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health should meet. Learning should continue virtually.”

    ]]>8 in 8: List of top 2020 UCE schools in the country Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:16:34 +0000 Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) on Friday released the 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results.

    The ceremony presided over by Education Minister Janet Museveni took place at State House Nakasero.

    Releasing the results, the UNEB Executive Secretary Dan N. Odongo said the 2020 UCE candidature decreased by 4,324 (-1.3%) from 337,720 in 2019 to 333,396.

    Of these, 148,128 (44.4%) were Universal Secondary Education (USE) beneficiaries. The number of females candidates registered is 166,744 (50.01%) and that of males is 166,652 (49.99%).

    Odongo also noted that there was a better performance overall compared to 2019 with 312,162 candidates passing compared to 288,387 in the previous year.

    He added that girls performed better than boys in English language but the latter outperformed the former in other subjects.

    “Female candidates performed better than males in the English Language. In other large entry subjects, male candidates show better performance, with the differences more marked in Mathematics and the Sciences,” Odongo said.

    The list below shows schools with Aggregate 8 in 8:

    No. School District No. 1 Seeta High School Mukono 26 2 Uganda Martyrs Ss,Namugongo Wakiso 26 3 St.Marys College,Kisubi Wakiso 19 4 St.Marys Secondary School,Kitende Wakiso 12 5 St.Josephs Secondary School,Naggalama Mukono 9 6 Mt.St.Marys,Namagunga Mukono 7 7 Buddo Secondary School Wakiso 6 8 Kings College,Budo Wakiso 5 9 Namilyango College Mukono 5 10 Naalya Secondary School,Namugongo Wakiso 4 11 Nabisunsa Girls School Kampala 4 12 Our Lady Of Africa Secondary School Mukono 4 13 Seeta High School,Mukono Mukono 4 14 Merryland High School,Entebbe Wakiso 3 15 Nansana St.Joseph Secondary School Wakiso 3 16 Ndejje Secondary School Luweero 3 17 Seeta High School Green Campus,Mukono Mukono 3 18 St.Andrea Kahwas College,Hoima Hoima 3 19 St.Henrys College,Kitovu Masaka 3 20 St.Julian High School,Gayaza Wakiso 3 21 Blessed Sacrament Ss,Kimaanya Masaka 2 22 Bp.Cipriano Kihangire Secondary School Kampala 2 23 Iganga Secondary School Iganga 2 24 Kawempe Muslim Secondary School Kampala 2 25 Mandela Secondary School,Hoima Hoima 2 26 St.Kalemba Secondary School Kayunga 2 27 Trinity College,Nabbingo Wakiso 2 28 Alliance Secondary School,Ibanda Ibanda 1 29 Bishops Senior School,Mukono Mukono 1 30 Bugema Adventist Secondary School Luweero 1 31 Crane High School,Bwerenga Wakiso 1 32 Ekitangaala Transformation High School Nakasongola 1 33 Exodus College School,Mmende Wakiso 1 34 Forest Hill College,Mukono Mukono 1 35 Gayaza High School Wakiso 1 36 Gayaza Road Secondary School Kampala 1 37 Gombe Secondary School Butambala 1 38 Greenhill Academy,Kampala Kampala 1 39 Hilton High School,Mukono Mukono 1 40 Janan Secondary School,Bombo Luweero 1 41 Jeressar High School,Soroti Soroti 1 42 Kabale Brainstorm High School Kabale 1 43 Katikamu Secondary School Luweero 1 44 Kawanda Secondary School Wakiso 1 45 King Solomons College,Kyatega Kyegegwa 1 46 Kisoro Vision Secondary School Kisoro 1 47 Kitende Secondary School Wakiso 1 48 Kitgum Comprehensive College Kitgum 1 49 Kyamate Secondary School Ntungamo 1 50 Light Secondary School,Nyabubare Bushenyi 1 51 Masaka Secondary School Masaka 1 52 Mengo Secondary School Kampala 1 53 Midland High School,Kawempe Kampala 1 54 Mityana Modern Secondary School Mityana 1 55 Mt.St.Henrys High School,Mukono Mukono 1 56 Namboole High School Wakiso 1 57 Namirembe Hillside High School Wakiso 1 58 Namiryango Secondary School Mukono 1 59 Ntare School Mbarara 1 60 Ntungamo High School Ntungamo 1 61 Royal Giant High School,Mityana Mityana 1 62 Sacred Heart Secondary School,Mushanga Sheema 1 63 Sseke Secondary School Lwengo 1 64 St.Andrea Kaahwa Schools,Kooki Kakumiro 1 65 St.Cyprian Chavanod College Luweero 1 66 St.Gracious Secondary School,Lira Lira 1 67 St.John Evangelist Seminary Kasese 1 68 St.Jude Secondary School,Masaka Masaka 1 69 St.Marys College,Rushoroza Kabale 1 70 St.Noas Girls Secondary School,Zzana Wakiso 1 71 Standard Secondary School,Kisoro Kisoro 1 72 Uganda Martyrs High School,Rubaga Kampala 1 ]]>Energy Ministry Sets Strategies to Achieve Affordable Electricity Tariffs for Ugandans Fri, 30 Jul 2021 14:28:25 +0000 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) has set measures to be implemented in the continuous reduction of the end user tariffs for all electricity consumers. This follows the approval of new Electricity End-User Tariffs to be charged by Umeme Limited for the supply of electrical energy.

    Hon Ruth Nankabirwa, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) confirmed that the ministry is spear heading the amendment of the Electricity Act 1999 to provide for purchase of electricity directly from generators and/or the transmission company by big industrial customers to reduce the end user tariff for manufacturers starting with those in the proximity of transmission infrastructures.

    According to the minister, that government has over the years planned and implemented various measures to continuously reduce the end user tariffs for all electricity consumers among these include; in June 2018, government finalized debt refinancing of the Bujagali Hydro Power Plant â€" reducing the extra-large industrial consumer category tariff to USD cents 8.0/kWh and USD cents 5/kWh at off-peak time of use period.

    Nankabirwa notes that distribution efficiency was improved with the energy losses by Umeme Limited having reduced from 27% in 2011 to a target of 14% in 2021. In 2017, MEMD also implemented the extra-large industrial consumer category. This consumer category includes 43 industries; consuming 27% of the electricity and the overall cost structure and competitiveness is very sensitive to the cost of electricity.

    Government financed Karuma and Isimba Hydro Power Plants. Isimba was commissioned in April 2019 and Karuma is expected to be commissioned in June 2022. The tariff for both Karuma and Isimba are less than USD cents 5/kWh during the loan repayment period and will be less than USD cents 1.2 after the loan repayment.

    MEMD also implemented the rebate policy where consumers who finance construction of electrical installation and refunded through a rebate against the electricity bills/invoice. This has reduced the turnaround time for industrial new connection. Additional Demand estimated at 60MW is being implemented under the rebate.

    MEMD has implemented a declining Block Tariff for Large and extra-large industrial consumers â€" where the tariff reduces as industries consume more electricity based on predetermined consumption threshold.

    The fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Uganda Shilling against the United States Dollar is one of the biggest challenges affecting financial sustainability of the ESI. MEMD has commenced a pilot foreign exchange hedging of power purchase costs amounting to USD 1 million per month effective January 2021 hence hedging of foreign exchange risk.

    The MEMD has as well determined a new set of minimum standards of reliability and quality of electricity supply for Umeme Limited and UETCL â€" based on the financial reward and penalty structure.

    The Ministry and its agencies holds quarterly meetings with Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA) to discuss power reliability challenges faced by individual industrial consumers, electricity tariff trajectory, demand growth initiatives, investment plans, and implementation of directives by the president of Uganda in respect to electricity tariffs.

    The MEMD has commenced implementation of pilot projects towards ensuring Ugandans and institutions use electricity for cooking such instead of charcoal and firewood.

    ]]>High Court throws out Simbamanyo Estates appeal against Equity Bank, Meera Investments, ordered to pay costs Fri, 30 Jul 2021 13:31:05 +0000 High Court has dismissed with costs an application in which the proprietors of Simbamanyo Estates Limited had sought to halt the transfer of it’s prime properties in Kampala which was meant for Equity Bank Ltd to recover outstanding loans worth $10.8 million (about Shs40 billion).

    In her ruling delivered by e-mail on Friday, 30 July, Justice Susan Abinyo said Simbamanyo Estates did not present to court acceptable grounds for court’s consideration to halt the orders of the Registrar Commercial Court, issued on February 17, 2021.

    The judge also ordered legal costs for bank and three others â€" Meera Investments Ltd, Luwaluwa Investments Ltd, and the Commissioner Land Registration incurred in the appeal.

    An earlier ruling by the High Court had also dismissed issues presented by the proprietors of Simbamanyo Estates, trying to save the estate that was sold to Meera Investments Ltd, through public auction.

    Following the ruling, Equity Bank lawyers will now have to file a bill of costs to be approved by court.

    Justice Abinyo confirmed that stopping the sale would have infringed the Bank’s right to be heard and also inconvenienced those who prepared for the auction which was advertised on September 8 fixing the sale date.
    On October 8 this last year, Simbamanyo Estates Limited filed an application seeking for express orders to stay the sale of its properties which took place on the same day.

    Court records show that on the same day, the bank sold Simbamanyo building housing among others the ministry of gender on Lumumba Avenue and Afrique Suites Limited, a four-star hotel at Mutungo Hill, Nakawa Division on the same day.

    The court decision followed Simbamanyo Estates Limited’s notice of withdrawing the application with no order to costs which Equity Bank lawyers of AF Mpanga conceded to the withdrawal but demanded for the legal costs incurred.

    The High Court, Commercial Division has since dismissed pleadings in which the proprietors of Simbamanyo Estates Limited had sought to stop the sale.

    In February this year, Court first dismissed the application by the administrators of Simbamanyo Estates Limited in which they wanted the auctioning of its prime properties in Kampala by Equity Bank Ltd to recover an outstanding loan of Shs40.1bn to be halted.

    The ruling was made by High Court judge Her Worship, Bucyana Lillian, in the absence of the parties upon application by Co-Counsel for the 2nd defendant (Meera Investments limited).

    Meera Investments had pleaded that it had nothing to do with the Simbamanyo estates owners because it was an outsider to their business transaction with Equity bank. Meera only bought the building lawfully from the bank after Mr Peter Kamya and his firm failed to honor their loan obligations.

    “It is hereby ordered and Decreed that the suit abates for failure to take out summons for directions in time. Given under my hand and the seal of this Honorable Court this 7th day of February 2021,” reads the ruling.

    Simbamanyo’s case was first dismissed by the Court of Appeal judge Justice Christopher Madrama last year in October because Simbamanyo Estates did not have acceptable grounds for the court to deny the bank legal costs incurred.

    “The respondent (Equity Bank) upon being served, instructed lawyers and the lawyers took action to oppose the application by filing the appropriate affidavits in reply, as well as written submissions,” Justice Madrama held.

    At the beginning of October, Simbamanyo Estates filed an application expressing orders to halt the sale of its properties although the bank went ahead and sold Simbamanyo building on Lumumba Avenue and Afrique Suites Limited, a four-star hotel at Mutungo Hill, Nakawa Division.

    However, Justice Madrama ruled that stopping the sale would have been an infringement on the bank’s right to be heard as well as an inconvenience to those who had prepared for the auction that was advertised on August 7 and 11 last year.

    “The application for withdrawal was not conceded to unconditionally but was on condition of payment of costs. In the circumstances, therefore, the applicant (Simbamanyo Estates) application stands dismissed upon withdrawal and the only issue for consideration is whether should be payable,” Justice Madrama ruled.

    The bank sold the building to Meera Investments whose majority shareholder is property magnet Sudhir Ruparelia. This was after Simbamanyo Estates failed through all avenues to pay the Shs40.1b loan. The prime building in the city centre was auctioned by the bank for recovery of the loan.

    The properties were guaranteed to Equity Bank Uganda as security to get the loan in November 2017.

    ]]>#2020UCE: Geography, Chemistry poorly done as UNEB withholds results of 1,292 candidates Fri, 30 Jul 2021 11:41:01 +0000 Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) has revealed that results of 1,292 candidates.

    Releasing the 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results on Friday at State House Nakasero, UNEB Executive Secretary Dan Odongo said the results are being withheld because of examination malpractice related cases.

    “This year, there is a reduction in the cases of examination malpractice compared to last year and previous years,” he said.

    The nature of malpractice, Odongo said has mainly been external assistance (assistance given by third parties to the candidates), collusion where candidates are sharing the answers, impersonation, and script substitution among others.

    “So, Mama [Janet Museveni], this year, in accordance with Section 5(2)(B) of UNEB Act 2021, 1,292 results will be withheld. This compares to 1,825 in 2019. This is why we are saying, there has been a reduction,” said Odongo.

    “As usual, the affected candidates will be given a fair hearing and a final decision made,” he added.

    On the other hand, Odongo expressed concern over students performance in science subjects.

    “There is an overall improvement in performance in the large entry subjects except in Geography, Chemistry and Biology, although Biology showed a slight improvement at the Distinction 2 level”, he said.

    He pointed out that more students still find difficulty in handling the apparatus during practical tests as well as marking and recording observations among other challenges.

    Odongo added that candidates showed poor mathematical skills required in calculations, inability to write the correct symbols of elements, formulae of compounds and equations, among others.

    ]]>Don’t think about extending the lockdown, Lord Mayor Lukwago threatens Museveni Fri, 30 Jul 2021 10:38:20 +0000 City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has cautioned President Yoweri Museveni against extending the Covid-19 lockdown because it may lead to protests in the country.

    During a news interview on CBS FM on Friday, Lukwago said President Museveni must understand that majority of Ugandans are dying from hunger and before he address the nation today, he must know that citizens are fed up with the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19.

    “Mr. Museveni has put the entire country in prison without food. The relief fund Madam Nabbanja gave out is too little for someone to think that he has given support to people, therefore, Mr. Museveni must leave Ugandans to go back to work,” the Lord Mayor said.

    On 18th June this year, President Museveni imposed the second lockdown of 42 days in the move to stop the spreading of the coronavirus.

    However, according to Lukwago the 42 days of lockdown have been a total loss because there is no strategy aimed at helping Ugandans that has been put in place to save lives of people.

    “There is no any single project that has been successful in these 42 days as far as prevention of covid-19 is concerned because even the vaccinated people don’t tantamount to 1 million. I can conclude by saying the 42 days were for Gen Museveni and his colleagues. Kampala people have been beaten by the security operatives maybe that is the only thing they have gotten from this lockdown.

    “If Gen Museveni wants to test the wrath of Ugandans let him extend this lockdown. I can assure you Ugandans are tired and if he dares to try and extend this lockdown he will see it,” Lukwago warned.


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