Letters to the Editor Aug 3

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Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Kieran Moore says that domestic vaccine passports aren’t “necessary” since 80% of provincial residents have had the first dose of the COVID vaccine. I agree. The Ford government achieved this result by using non-mandatory ways to encourage people to get vaccinated. So, with this high rate of immunization, there should be nothing to fear. Yet, some people still insist that Ontario adopt vaccine passports. But doing so will automatically make the 20% of Ontarians who are unvaccinated second-class citizens, thereby creating a divisive system of segregation. It would violate the “life, liberty” and “equality” provisions of Canada’s Charter of Rights. Mandating people in Ontario to show vaccine documents to enter a theatre or an arena is far too extreme. You would expect to see that in a totalitarian country where people have no rights, not in Canada.

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Claudio Ceolin

(Pssst. Need a fake vaccine passport?)


Re “Labour laws need updating with telecommuting here to stay: Fraser Institute” (Postmedia Network, July 22): Some work requires the employee to attend the facility and provide labour and/or expertise. Manufacturing, warehousing and services such as restaurants need their employees on the job and often measure performance and compensate accordingly. More legislated work standards exist than are needed. For many white-collar jobs, time spent on the computer or phone at home means much less to the enterprise than the outcome, the result of applied skill, effort and creativity of the employee. Wouldn’t this be the opportune time for government to stay out of standards for home workers and allow employers to remunerate such employees based on an individual’s contribution to organizational objectives.

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Larry Sylvester
Acton, Ont.

(No excuse for being late!)


After listening to and reading about Kyle Dubas’ plans for the Leafs for next season, I am reminded of something a wise gentleman said a long time ago. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Dave Sewell
London, Ont.

(What does winning over and over again make someone?)


The Leafs letting Hyman go and keeping the likes of Nylander proves that Toronto needs a new general manager. Hyman, one of the few players on the team with the moxie to actually play a physical game, has been brushed aside and will go to Edmonton, where I predict he will become a star. Meanwhile, in lowly T.O., the Leafs will be making excuses for the next decade (maybe longer) about why they lost in the first round again and again and again. Why overpaid Nylander is still with the team is because no other team is stupid enough to pay him his exorbitant salary for under-producing. I wish Hyman all the luck in Edmonton, while I also give up on the loser Leafs.

Wayne Whiteside
Okanagan Falls, B.C.

(That style leads to injuries. Not worth the long-term deal and cash he was seeking)

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