Stakes can be very high Defamation cases in Victorian courts tripled in 2020

Defamation cases tripled in Victorian courts in 2020, with “backyard” disputes and social media warfare likely fuelling the numbers, even with the state in COVID-19 lockdowns for most of the year.

Data from the courts obtained by The Age shows 23 cases were initiated in the Victorian registry of the Federal Court last year, rocketing up from just seven the year before, while 47 matters were filed in the County Court, almost three times the 2019 figures.

Mildura-based federal MP Dr Anne Webster went to court over defamatory comments made about her on Facebook.

Mildura-based federal MP Dr Anne Webster went to court over defamatory comments made about her on Facebook.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

The Supreme Court remained relatively stable, with 20 cases filed in the 2019-20 financial year, similar to the previous year but down from 37 five years ago.

The increase seemed to be a uniquely Victorian issue, at least in the Federal Court, with the matters filed in NSW dropping slightly to 35 in 2020.

While lawyers say Melbourne is following a trend set by Sydney in the Federal Court, the traditional home to high-end, multimillion-dollar defamation, cases in the County Court appeared to be spurred by disputes between individuals, comments on social media platforms such as Facebook and fights over negative online reviews of businesses and services.

“A person’s reputation can be destroyed more easily than ever before, given the propensity of salacious content to spread on the internet,” said Michael Douglas, senior lecturer at the University of Western Australia law school.

“These cases might seem like a waste of public resources, but for the people involved, the stakes can be very high.”

A brief analysis of the County Court figures shows almost all cases â€" more than 30 â€" were between individuals, often called “backyard disputes”, and included spats such as a French bulldog breeder who sued over what someone said about her on Facebook and a dentist who pursued the author of a bad online review.

Only two were against traditional media companies, while others were against organisations including the Highland Pipe Band Association, sued last year by one of its members.

“The other thing that’s clear is that in recent years, there has been a general perception that defamation laws are pretty plaintiff-friendly,” media lawyer Matt Collins, QC, said.

Publicity around high-profile cases brought by celebrities such as Rebel Wilson and Geoffrey Rush, and others such as the Melbourne dentist who sued over a bad Google review, contributes to more people knowing that defamation action is available to them.

But it has also meant defendants, often ordinary people unaware of the legal impact of their social media activity, have had hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages awarded against them.

Melbourne-based lawyer Mark Stanarevic, who is handling about 20 active defamation cases, said his clients sometimes had little choice but to turn to lawyers.

“There’s unfortunately been a lot more disputes and there’s limited recourse for what people can do apart from contacting Facebook or Google, and sometimes flagging the post won’t get it removed,” he said.

This was the case for Mildura politician and social worker Anne Webster. After being unhappy with Facebook’s response to defamatory posts about her, her husband and the non-profit they founded, they turned to the courts.

After almost $200,000 in legal costs, she was awarded $875,000 in damages in the Federal Court.

“The posts were defaming my husband, they were defaming my father, they were defaming my granddaughter. It was awful, really personal, absolute downright lies,” Dr Webster said.

But they were yet to see a cent of the payout, with authorities still pursuing the respondent, Karen Brewer, believed to be living in New Zealand.

Dr Webster said she still doesn’t regret the action she took and the MP for Mallee is now pushing for legislation to make social media platforms liable for content.

“It’s easy for people to say, ‘You’re in a public space, that’s what happens,’ but if anyone had someone put their name in the outrageous way that mine was and my family was, I’m pretty sure most people would be mortified and horrified and want to do something about it,” she said.

“It shouldn’t have to take a court case.”

Changes to defamation laws in July introduced a higher threshold to bring a defamation lawsuit, intended to weed frivolous claims out of the courts.

Judges will allow cases to proceed only if serious harm has been caused, but it is still unknown how serious harm will be defined.

“The serious harm threshold will make it more burdensome [to bring a case], but how much will it make it more burdensome is yet to be tested,” Melbourne Law School’s Jason Bosland said.

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Tammy Mills is the legal affairs reporter for The Age.

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