Experts push for mandatory masks for all schoolchildren

Face masks should be made mandatory for all Victorian schoolchildren once they return to classrooms, a group of scientific and medical experts say, citing international evidence that schools without universal mask wearing are 3½ times more likely to experience a COVID-19 outbreak.

Scientific lobby group OzSage argues Australian schools should follow the example of some US cities, where children as young as three must wear a mask inside schools and kindergartens.

Primary school students at Northeast Lauderdale Elementary in the US, where students are required to wear masks.

Primary school students at Northeast Lauderdale Elementary in the US, where students are required to wear masks.Credit:AP

“International experience shows that schoolchildren are able to wear masks,” the group argues in its report, Protecting children from COVID-19 and making schools and childcare safer.

“For instance, all children over two years of age in San Francisco and New York City are required to wear masks at school. We recommend that masks should be mandated for primary and high school students and staff.”

In Victoria, masks are compulsory indoors and outdoors for secondary school children aged 12 and above and recommended for under-12s.

The group of high-profile experts argue masks should instead be required from age six and recommended in early learning centres from ages two to five.

Meadowglen Primary principal Loretta Piazza says young students at her school have struggled with mask wearing.

Meadowglen Primary principal Loretta Piazza says young students at her school have struggled with mask wearing.Credit:Jason South

One experienced primary school principal in Melbourne’s north warned a mask mandate would be difficult to enforce, with children at her school having struggled with masks, often removing them within minutes.

Loretta Piazza is principal of Meadowglen Primary in Epping, a disadvantaged school where a high proportion of students have been supervised on-site during periods of remote learning.

“It didn’t take them long to realise that they were very uncomfortable wearing them,” she said. “They felt very hampered, even in wanting to communicate with their teacher and having a mask over their mouth. I think they felt at a disadvantage.”

Associate Professor Margie Danchin, a consultant paediatrician with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, said she doubted making masks mandatory for young children would be the most effective strategy.

“Masks should be recommended and not mandated, certainly for the prep-to-grade two children,” she said.

“I realise we are in a situation now where we have a lot of cases and we are doing everything in our power to mitigate transmissions in schools, but there is a very comprehensive back-to-school safety program, including … limiting the days that kids are attending, outside learning, ventilation, HEPA [high-efficiency particulate absorbing] filters, teachers [being] vaccinated and masked.”

The OzSage group argues the risk of Australian children being infected with COVID-19 is still high.

“Most children in Australia are currently unvaccinated. If they are not protected, 1 to 3 per cent of unvaccinated Australian children may become hospitalised with COVID-19, and more may suffer from ongoing symptoms lasting for a year or more,” the report, published this week, states.

“Paediatric wards, hospitals and health systems may become overwhelmed. School closures and educational disruption are likely.”

The authors of the advice include Nancy Baxter, the head of Melbourne University’s School of Population and Global Health, Burnet Institute head Brendan Crabb, UNSW professor of respiratory medicine Guy Marks and medical practitioner and former independent federal MP Kerryn Phelps, among many others.

“With a disease as contagious as COVID-19, almost everyone is going to get infected at some point if they’re not vaccinated,” OzSage member and epidemiologist and biostatistician Zoe Hyde said.

Regional students in prep to year 2 were the first to return to face-to-face learning, resuming classes on Monday under Victoria’s staged return to school, followed by VCE students across the state who sat the General Achievement Test on Tuesday.

All year levels will progressively return over the first four weeks of term four.

State Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton confirmed this week that a new approach will be applied to schools that experience a COVID-19 outbreak, with the entire school community no longer being plunged into 14-day quarantine.

Instead, only the affected classes and those at higher risk will have to isolate.

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Adam Carey is Education Editor. He joined The Age in 2007 and has previously covered state politics, transport, general news, the arts and food. Connect via Twitter or email.

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