Geraldton womans last moments shown in Perth court before a police officer shot her

By Aja Styles and Lauren PilatUpdated October 5, 2021 â€" 7.56pmfirst published at 4.00pm

A 29-year-old Aboriginal woman who was fatally shot by a West Australian police officer accused of murder foreshadowed that she was going to die that day, a Supreme Court jury has heard.

The first class constable, whose name has been suppressed for legal reasons, denies murdering the woman, who her family asked to be referred to as ‘JC’, when he fired his gun in the regional town of Geraldton, 415 kilometres north of Perth, on September 17, 2019.

Yamatji woman, JC. This photo has been published with the permission of her family.

Yamatji woman, JC. This photo has been published with the permission of her family.

Minutes into the start of the trial on Tuesday, the jury was shown confronting footage of JC’s last moments standing on a residential street in the Geraldton suburb of Rangeway, surrounded by eight police officers â€" three of which were on foot.

In her opening address, Director of Public Prosecutions Amanda Forrester SC told the jury that it was not in dispute that the accused police officer shot her in the abdomen.

She said JC had mental health and substance abuse issues that included being addicted to methamphetamine, which kept her from having custody of her young son.

In the days leading up to her death, JC had been released from prison to stay with relatives in the Mid-West regional town and “was struggling”, telling a triple-0 operator that she was going to kill herself.

She was taken to the local hospital for a psychiatric assessment, where she continued to have angry outbursts and behavioural issues but was discharged on September 13.

In the following days, JC purchased drugs and stole alcohol before seeking help from a local community centre, asking to go home to her foster mother Anne Jones, who cared for her son and lived in Mullewa, an hour bus ride east of Geraldton.

After speaking to Ms Jones, she seemed a lot calmer and the centre worker planned to testify that JC did not appear to be under the influence of any substance, Ms Forester told the court.

It was while staying with close relative Michael Little that she foreshadowed she was “going to die that day”.

At some point, JC left Mr Little’s house and was spotted walking along Geraldton’s suburban streets in Rangeway carrying a large knife and a small pair of scissors just after 6pm.

Three marked police vehicles, with two officers each, went to JC’s location, including an officer who knew JC and tried talking her around with no weapon brandished.

A second officer from another vehicle followed JC on foot and drew their Taser but did not arm it.

Ms Forrester said the officers said she seemed agitated.

At one point when other officers arrived, JC was told “she would be Tasered if she doesn’t put down the knife”, the court heard.

It was 33 seconds later and when more police officers had arrived that the next radio call from the scene was that one shot had been fired and an ambulance was needed.

It was only when an unmarked orange sedan arrived that the accused jumped out of the passenger seat and ran towards JC, Ms Forrester told the jury.

“Less than three seconds after she stopped walking the accused shot her in the abdomen,” Ms Forrester said.

She showed the court CCTV footage of the shooting that she said proved JC “did not take a step or move towards the officer when he shot her”.

The vision was captured on a home security camera that was triggered by movement and the incident was a significant distance away.

Ms Forrester said the eight officers and four cars had loaded firearms, batons, Tasers, and handcuffs.

JC. This photo has been published with the permission of her family.

JC. This photo has been published with the permission of her family.Credit:Facebook

She said given the accused’s training â€" as with all the officers present, who were armed with and had access to a number of other options â€" shooting JC on this day was “wholly unnecessary”.

“He cannot have believed what he did was necessary,” Ms Forrester said.

JC was taken to hospital and bled to death internally, she said.

A blood test showed methamphetamine was in JC’s system, but she hadn’t used on the day she died.

The accused policeman’s defence barrister, Linda Black, said her client was heartbroken by what happened, and it was preposterous he had the intention to murder JC.

She said he had followed WA Police policy and procedure to protect his colleagues and the public.

“It is not the case the accused woke up that day and thought ‘I hope I kill someone today’,” she said.

“Instead, he was the man brave enough to risk his own career, his own life by being the person on the frontline to pull a gun to protect his fellow officers.”

Ms Black said the court would hear the correct thing to do when an officer was confronted by an armed offender with a knife was to draw their firearm to overpower the situation.

“Police training requires a police officer to have a weapon higher than what the person has,” she said.

“You don’t bring a fist to a knife fight … you bring a gun to a knife fight.“

Ms Black said officers were trained to respond proactively because it took just 1.5seconds for an armed offender to move about 6.4 metres and stab whoever was in the area.

Ms Black said JC had raised the knife and pointed it at the accused, which triggered his response.

“This is the woman who told her own family members ’I’m going to die today and I don’t want yous (sic) coming to my funeral,” she said.

Ms Black said JC had been ordered several times to “drop the weapons, drop the f-----g knife” but she refused despite having a police firearm pointed at her.

“The deceased was never ever going to drop the weapons â€" she needed to be taken down â€" she was never going to surrender,” she said.

Ms Black said police officers were trained to treat an armed suspect as a lethal threat and to respond to lethal threats with lethal force. The location where JC had been shot in her stomach followed standard police training, she said.

Two witnesses were called on the first day of trial â€" a detective senior sergeant from the homicide squad and a shopping centre security guard.

The prosecution plans to call 60 witnesses, with the trial being set down for four weeks.

The trial continues.

Lauren Pilat is a part-time journalist at WAtoday, with a special focus on social justice issues, education, and breaking news.Connect via email.

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