Man arrested on suspicion of murdering woman in Dublin apartment

Gardaí investigating the violent death of a woman whose remains were found in a north Dublin apartment early on Thursday have arrested a man on suspicion of murder.

Detectives believe the woman, a foreign national aged in her 30s, was attacked in the property in Charlestown, Finglas, and suffered significant injuries that proved fatal.

The man arrested is also a foreign national aged in his 30s and he was known to the deceased. Gardaí said he was “arrested on suspicion of murder and taken to Finglas Garda station” where he was detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.

The apartment was sealed off as a crime scene after gardaí arrived there at about 6.15am on Thursday. A number of knives found at the scene were being examined in an attempt to establish if they were used in the attack.

Violent circumstances

The initial indications at the scene were that the woman died in very violent circumstances. She was dead when gardaí arrived at the apartment and her body remained there early on Thursday pending the arrival of personnel from the State Pathologists’ Office.

A preliminary examination by a pathologist was due to take place at the scene before the woman’s remains were removed for a full postmortem to determine the precise cause of her death.

However, detectives are already applying all of the resources of a murder investigation to the case as they say it was clear she had been attacked.

The apartment block where the remains were found is in the Charlestown residential development near the St Margarets Road entrance to Charlestown Shopping Centre.

The murder investigation is being carried out by detectives based at Finglas station. The apartment where the murder took place was due to be examined by members of the Garda Technical Bureau during the day.

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