3 Things You Can Do Today to Prepare For Possible Impacts from the Delta Variant

3 Things You Can Do Today to Prepare For Possible Impacts from the Delta Variant

It’s been a pivotal year for business owners where some of us got creative and found opportunity in the Covid-19 crisis, while others struggled to keep the lights on and the doors open. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, many of us found a new normal as the pandemic dragged on. But there is a new threat on the horizon that could put us all back at square one. As Delta variant cases increase across the country, many business owners are worried about what the surge of new cases could mean for their business.

While there are many unknowns, there is a lot that we could learn from the first wave and apply it to our businesses once again to keep things running smoothly and growing at a pace that is sustainable. That said, here are three things that you can focus on right now that will help you prepare your business for the next possible wave of the pandemic. 

1. Communicate With Your Team

You no doubt have questions, and your team certainly does as well. So, keeping the lines of communication open and allowing them a place to voice their concerns will go a long way here. Do your employees and customers have to mask up? What is your policy for social distancing? Is your team expected to return to the office or will you be going remote again? What does this look like for team members that have children going back to school? What happens if schools turn to virtual learning again?

Be intentional and thoughtful about how you lead your team during these times. They are looking to you for guidance and direction.

2. Pay Close Attention To Your Spending

As the pandemic restrictions lifted, so did tight holds on spending accounts. Many of my business coaching clients were eager to start new marketing and lead generation efforts as the states opened back up. But as Delta surges, it is important to take a second look at your marketing efforts and make sure that you aren’t spending money on marketing efforts that aren’t working for you. If you aren’t sure what is working and what isn’t, this would be a good time to get really solid on your expense tracking. 

When was the last time you took a good hard look at your Google analytics? Your marketing funnels? Are you up to speed on your conversion rates and other key performance indicators? If the answer is no, now is the time to educate yourself and dive into the statistics surrounding your marketing campaigns.

3. Get Out of Vendor Contracts That Don’t Serve You

This is something that I encourage business owners to do at least every quarter to make sure that they are spending money on the things that help their business grow. But with the looming threat of Delta on the horizon, this piece of advice couldn’t be more timely. Look at your current vendors, and review their performance. If they aren’t producing or you feel as if you aren’t getting the value promised now is the time to negotiate or exit those contracts. 

With some systems and processes in place now, you can set yourself up for success in the future. 

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